We are living in challenging times but, as a community caring for neonates and their families, we will get through this together.  Canadians and others around the world are digesting a great deal of information in order to come up with a best approach to caring for mothers and infants with either suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infections.  It is an imperfect science for sure as we have scarce information to go on but you may find it helpful to look at what centres are doing in terms of their approaches to delivery and care in the NICU. Please note that these are being posted in an attempt to share our collective efforts but that referral to your local health authority protocols is recommended. 

Protocols and other relevant information including sim/ education and processes can be shared  from sites across Canada and  accessed through the COVID-19 menu at the top of the site.

There will no doubt be geographic differences which may be due to unit layout (single/double rooms, open bay concept, negative pressures rooms), local IPC and health authority protocols.  Hopefully, though, our community can share useful resources, algorithms, videos, etc that can serve as a framework for others to use or modify to suit their needs.  

Thanks to all of you for your dedication, your hard work and for your caring. Please stay safe and stay healthy – we will get through this – together.

Important Links

Ontario “Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health – Covid 19 Practice Support Tools

Interim Considerations for Infection Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Inpatient Obstetric Healthcare Settings